Dr. Rohith U MPrincipal, PDIT
Education is the real means through which one can establish himself in the civilized world. In this regard under the aegis of V.V.Sangha, Bellary, Proudhadevaraya lnstitute of Technology, Hospet has been established and it has secured its own place in catering the needs of technical education to the people.
We would like to state that we impart high quality technical education to the students of our institute by training them in all the required fields of their stream.In the first few years of its establishment, the young dedicated, disciplined & qualified staffs of PDIT have shown their zeal and enthusiasm in creating a highly academic atmosphere in the campus.
The Management of V.V.Sangha,Bellary has graciously contributed to create and establish all the required facilities at the campus of PDIT, Hospet.