National Service Scheme
The NSS cell is stepping towards promoting students capacity through practices to meet social needs and encouraging them to participate in promoting social harmony and national integration.
Benefits of NSS:
For Volunteers:
NSS certificate to the eligible volunteers.
Certificate and cash prize for the special achievements in the University (Rs. 5000 for volunteers), State ( Rs. 10000 for Volunteers/ PO) and National level.
Pa rticipation in Internationa I youth exchange Programme.
Opportunity of taking part in youth festivals, National Integration Camps, University level camps, District Leadership camps, Adventure camps and others.
Participation in personality development programmes.
For Programme Officers:
Opportunity to create youth centers in the college level.
Recording the three years NSS service in the service books.
Consideration in the carrier advancement.
Awards at the University (Rs. 10000 for NSS PO), State and National level

Prof. Basavaraja. R.
NSS Programme Officer
Ph: +91 988 685 3308
To develop the overall personality and leadership qualities of students through willful (determined) community services with new horizons to upgrade their skill and knowledge
The Motto of NSS "Not Me But You", reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self less service. NSS helps the students' development & appreciation to other person's point of view and also show consideration towards other living beings. The philosophy of the NSS is a good doctrine in this motto, which underlines on the belief that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of the society.
The broad objectives of the National Service Scheme are...
- Understand the community in which they work; Understand themselves in relation to their community;
- Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process;
- Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility;
- Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems;
- Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities;
- Gain skills in mobilizing community participation; Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude;
- Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
- Practice national integration and social harmony.