Admissions Open 2024-25: BE-KEA-CET Code: E076 | PG-M.Tech.-DEC-KEA PGCET Code:T966 | PG-MBA: KEA PGCET Code: B246


Rules & Refulations

Faculties & Students  

Working Hours

08.45 AM  -  05.00 PM

Lunch Break

01.00 PM  -  02.00 PM


Working Hours

10.00 AM - 05.30 PM

Lunch Break

02.00 PM - 03.00 PM



  • Students should wear ID CARD inside the campus.
  • Students should not disturb the classes unnecessarily.
  • Making noise, standing in the corridor, lounge, etc. is prohibited.
  • Students are strictly forbidden from smoking anywhere in the campus.
  • Students are not allowed to use mobile phones anywhere in the campus.
  • Students are allowed to organize or attend any meeting in the institution or outside only with the prior permission of the Principal / HOD.
  • Students should handle college property carefully without causing any damage.
  • If any student having a free lab, he/she has to go to Library and should not roam around the campus or in the lawn.


  • Faculty members shall take attendance at the beginning of each period.
  • A student who is not in the classroom when the attendance is taken shall be marked absent.
  • Student attendance will be computed at the end of every month and indicated in the progress report and also put up on the notice board.
  • A minimum of 85% attendance is required to appear for the semester end examinations. Students who do not have the minimum attendance will not be allowed to appear for the semester end examinations.


  • Students should attend the classes regularly.
  • However, leave of absence for valid reasons only will have to be obtained from the Head of the department in advance. In case of sickness, a medical certificate (Certified by competent authority) should be produced.
  • Attendance shall be calculated on the basis of periods i.e. in terms of the lecture or lab periods attended.
  • Attendance for the Examinations and IA tests is compulsory. Absence from the tests will affect the internal assessment marks by the staff members concerned.


All Sundays, Afternoons of all Saturdays and Holidays notified by the College.